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To Build a Strong Business You Must Start at Home

Aug 16, 2021

If you’re coming to this site looking for business advice, you may be surprised to see that I also present a lot of life advice. A lot of business leaders try to separate the personal and professional sides of their lives, but I just don’t think that’s possible. Each of these sides of our lives has an important factor in common: us. Our businesses are an extension of us as leaders, and when we don’t care for ourselves our businesses are bound to suffer.

Think of a time when you’ve had something going on in your life or your body that made it difficult for you to show up 100% in your work. Perhaps you were sick, in the middle of a divorce, mourning the loss of a loved one. This is the perfect example of what I mean, we can’t separate ourselves from our business, so it only makes sense that to have a healthy business we have to be healthy. 

The exact details of a healthy life vary from person to person, but the themes remain the same. 

Take Care Of Your Body

As they say, your body is a temple. When you treat your body poorly due to poor diet and exercise habits and a lack of proper sleep it shows, not just in your body, but in your whole life. When you’re sleep-deprived and malnourished, your brain may feel foggy, you’re exhausted all day long, and you’re not functioning at your best. Somewhere along the line, we’re told that if you want to win in business you need to completely exhaust yourself in the process. But the opposite is true. If you want to win at business, you should treat your body as a temple, because it is the engine that keeps you and your dreams going.

Take Care Of Your Soul

Just as we must care for our physical well-being, we also have to prioritize our spiritual and emotional well-being. Business ownership isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. It can take a lot out of you, and you must be emotionally healthy and grounded, otherwise, it’s difficult to weather the storms. The things that make people emotionally and spiritually healthy vary from person to person. For some it’s the church, others enjoy meditation, you may get fulfillment from going on walks or working in your garden. What’s important is that you find ways to prioritize your mental health so you can be fully present and grounded in your work life.

Maintain Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships bring us peace in our lives, and they can also be the drivers for our success. When you surround yourself with people who are motivated and focused in the way that you are (or want to be) you’ll notice your life change for the better. On the flip side, unhealthy relationships can drag us down. It may be time to assess the relationships in your life and determine which ones are feeding you and which ones are draining you. 

I can’t stress enough that, as an entrepreneur, your business is an extension of your life. If you’re underperforming, unsatisfied, or stagnant it may be time to look inward and be honest about the state of your personal life. For me, personal well-being always comes first. The better care that I take of myself and my life, the more fun I have in my job, and ultimately the more successful I have become. If you’re interested in learning more about how to take good care of yourself, it may be time to invest in business coaching. For more information, contact me today.

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